Friday, May 10, 2019

Initial GUS Management Assessment by Schneider Engineering

The following is courtesy of Councilman Fought as published in his newsletter.

GUS -- Management Assessment

The City Council selected Schneider Engineering to conduct a thorough analysis and evaluation of the Georgetown Utility System (GUS) Electric management control and information system along with GUS's policies for purchasing and selling power.  They will present their findings and recommendations at the 14 May Workshop.
Their report includes: 
  • An assessment of the City's overall Electric Resource Management organization/functional area.
  • An evaluation of the current wholesale power supply portfolio and the performance outlook for the portfolio.
  • A listing and discussion of factors that contributed towards decisions that culminated in significant increases in cost to the wholesale power portfolio.
  • An assessment of the impact of the power supply portfolio on recent City's budgets, retail electric rates and other City business areas.
  • A forward-looking evaluation of steps the City may consider to effectively manage and optimize the portfolio and consider market factors that may influence the performance of the portfolio.
Please click here to read the report, and here to view the slides which will be presented at the workshop. 
This is a very important initial assessment of the GUS-Electric issues. Given the importance of this topic, and in addition to reading the report and viewing the slides, I recommend attending the Council Workshop in person or watching it live on line, or on video tape.   
The Workshop begins at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, 14 May.  Please click here for the Agenda item Summary Sheet for the Workshop discussions.  If cannot attend the Workshop, please click here to link to the City Website and then use the tabs to watch the presentation live or on recorded video.

Schneider will also present the report and findings at a public meeting on May 20.  A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file and other public materials are being developed to facilitate that meeting. (The time and location of the meeting will be announced later.) 

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