Friday, May 3, 2019

Energy Shortages Coming this Summer?

Renewable energy weakens the Texas electric grid due to coal and gas powered electric generators being replaced by wind and solar generators. Because of the heavy subsidies given to renewable energy companies, new fossile fuel based plants are not economical to build, thus, when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine, there is a shortage of electric generating capacity.
You wouldn’t think the top energy-producing state in the nation, home to the legendary Spindletop and nearly unfathomable reserves of shale gas and oil, would have an energy shortage. 
Yet the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which manages the Lone Star State’s electric grid, is getting ready to issue energy alerts this summer. Its electricity reserves are at a historic low of 7.4%, and new demand records have been set 16 times in the last three years.
We think an extra $2.5 billion a year could help bolster the grid.
Why $2.5 billion? That’s how much Texas taxpayers are charged every year to subsidize wind and solar power. Yet even after being boosted by tens of billions in taxpayer dollars, renewables only provide 18% of Texas’ energy. 
That’s higher than the national average, but nowhere near enough to power the Texas economy, which outproduces nearly every country in the world, including Russia. Texas Energy Shortages

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