Thursday, May 23, 2019

Central Texas Towns Showing Rapid Growth

According to U.S. Census Bureau estimates released Thursday, the Statesman reports that New Braunfels ranked second in growth last year among U.S. cities with a population of 50,000 or more,  New Braunfels’ population grew at a rate of 7.2% from July 2017 to July 2018, the figures show.

Georgetown has made the list of the top 15 fastest growing cities in the nation for the past five years. Mayor Dale Ross said the city boasts the lowest tax rate in Central Texas, good schools and a low crime rate. Builders are constructing new homes every day, he said, that are ideal for small families. 
“The biggest challenge we have as a government is to stay ahead of the infrastructure growth,” Ross said. “People have discovered the secret of Georgetown, Texas. ... The people are the most giving and the most generous folks you’d ever want to meet.”
The Mayor continues his mischaracterization campaign when talking to the press about Georgetown. Every property tax payer in the City knows that the "lowest tax rate" is irrelevant as it is the taxes paid that are important and the property taxes paid to the City are increasing at more than 10% annually as the appraised values increase. Why doesn't the City lower the tax rate so that the taxes paid by property owners increase no more than population plus inflation?
I guess the mayor is not aware that Georgetown ISD has 3 schools on the Texas Education Agency's watch list as they are not meeting standards! Mitchell Elementary, Forbes Middle and Wagner Middle schools all "Need Improvement" according to the TEA.
Its time the Mayor and all city officials tell the truth about what is happening in Georgetown. Electric rates anyone?

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