Thursday, January 17, 2019

GISD School Board Elections

Candidate filing began Wednesday and ends Feb. 15. Early voting begins April 22 and finishes on election day, May 4, 2019.

Place 1: no filing

Place 2: Elizabeth McFarland, 41, attorney

Place 3: Andy Webb, incumbent, 44, insurance agent

The Board of Trustees governs the district by adopting policy and regulations. The key roles and responsibilities of the school board members are:
1. Hire and Evaluate the superintendent and delegate all administrative responsibilities
2. Approve the school district's budget
3. Establish goals and evaluate outcomes
4. Adopt and evaluate policies
5. Communicate with the community

If you think your school taxes are too high, or money is mis-allocated within the district, then get involved and run for a board seat.

Under the latest Texas Education Agency report card, the Georgetown ISD received a "B". Is that good enough, or should the board implement incentives for the Superintendent to improve the grade?

1 comment:

  1. In addition to the persons listed above, I also filed my application for Georgetown ISD School Board Trustee, Place 2 on February 16th. Not certain why my candidacy was not reported in the Statesman or Wilco Sun in the subsequently published news articles, but I look forward to participating in the election and talking to the voters of Georgetown ISD about my goals and positions.

    If elected, one of my visions and goals as a Georgetown ISD School Board Trustee would be to prioritize and provide the resources necessary to improve the academic success of every student in our growing district, beginning with improving mastery of reading and writing in the elementary grades.

    Thank you,
    Brian Ortego
