Friday, September 9, 2016

Wilco EMS Among the Best in the Nation

The Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services standards, a nationwide rating agency of peers, announced that Wilco EMS met their accreditation standards. Williamson County EMS Director Kenny Schnell said only nine EMS providers (including Williamson County) in Texas — out of 782 total — have CAAS accreditation. Nationwide, only 176 out of about 16,000 have met those standards. This means the Wilco EMS is among the top 1% emergency service providers in the U.S.

During its regular weekly meeting Tuesday morning, the Commissioners Court recognized EMS senior leadership and staff who have met Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services standards. Wilco EMS Accreditation

Recall that in November 2014 at the Texas Department of State Health Services’ annual Emergency Medical Services conference in Fort Worth, Williamson County EMS received two of the top awards. Schnell was named Administrator of the Year and Dr. Jeff Jarvis was honored as Medical Director of the Year.

Who is Georgetown's EMS medical director?  What are his qualifications?  Does anyone know?

So Georgetown has traded one of the best EMS organizations in the U.S. for a new startup that has cost taxpayers significant dollars that is not recognized as being among the "best".

Has your City Council been good stewards of your money and safety by providing the "best" EMS available? You decide!

1 comment:

  1. Throwing Wilco EMS out of Georgetown was just a power move. There was no logical reason for it other than for the city to control more. We were lied to many times in this change. The first lie was that it would save money because the city would not send a firetruck out on all the ems calls. Guess what? As of a few months ago they were sending a truck out on every call. Then they talked about better response times if it were under city control. Guess what? As of the last report I saw, the new EMS was poorer on response times than Wilco. The costs, I believe, have exceeded projections and there have been no reduction of taxes.
