The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA) is an independent government agency created in 2003 to improve the transportation system in Travis and Williamson Counties in Texas. Their mission is to implement innovative, multi-modal transportation solutions that reduce congestion and create transportation choices that enhance quality of life and economic vitality.
The Mobility Authority is overseen by a seven-member Board of Directors.[1] The Governor appoints the Chairman, and the Travis and Williamson Counties Commissioners Courts each appoint three members to serve on the Board.
It appears this board is heavily populated by lawyers and land developers.CTRMA
How about that? They have authority to issue bonds, levy fees and taxes and establish toll roads! We can thank this organization for the tolls on Hwy 183A and MoPac.
Add the CTRMA to the list of non-elected transportation organizations that operate in Williamson County and affect Georgetown... LoneStar Rail District, U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO), Capital Metro, and Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS).
Isn't it wonderful to have another non-elected transportation organization with a $72M budget helping us solve our traffic problems using bicycle lanes, green energy concepts, car pooling assistance, phone apps and roadside assistance!
Un-elected officials with the power to tax and spend. They have popped up everywhere..