Friday, March 15, 2019

Georgetown Professors Countered on Climate Change Hype

Recently, 27 Texas professors, including two from Southwestern, wrote a letter to Governor Abbott requesting the State take action to reduce/eliminate man made climate change. Here are the key excerpts. Environment Texas
"We, the undersigned, are climate scientists and experts, and can report to you that climate change is happening, it is primarily caused by humans, and it is having a devastating impact on Texas, including increasing deadly flooding resulting from Hurricane Harvey.
We therefore request the opportunity to brief you on the climate science and the need for the State of Texas to take immediate action to both reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change."

Dr. Neil Frank, former Director National Hurricane Center (1974-1987) and former Chief Meteorologists KHOU T.V. Houston (1087-2008), penned a response to the above letter that is very instructive. CO2 Coalition

"Governor Abbott, these are not facts! They are projections of numerical models. The numerical models that produced these results have failed every time they have been tested. Facts are determined by data and data nullify every item offered by Dr. Dessler as being a fact.
In summary, people who believe that man is causing the earth to warm base their alarmist’s statements on projections from flawed numerical models while skeptics are motivated by facts determined by reliable historical data. One reason numerical models fail is because they have a strong built-in relation between CO2 and the earth’s temperature, yet data suggest CO2 is not a significant factor in the earth’s temperature. If this is true, numerical models project way too much warming. 
I have a power point presentation that explains the skeptic’s position and I would be honored to come to Austin and give a presentation to you or your staff."
This letter was followed by another letter to the Governor by prominent national atmospheric scientists. Life Powered
"We are eager to be represented at any meeting you might schedule with the 27 authors so that we can explain why we believe that their claim is scientifically unjustified by the data." 
Dr. Richard Lindzen, President (Atmospheric physicist; Alfred P. Sloan professor emeritus of meteorology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 
Dr. Caleb Rossiter, Executive Director (Climate statistician; former professor, School of International Service and Department of Mathematics and Statistics, American University) 
Dr. Neil Frank, Member, CO2 Coalition (Retired Chief Meteorologist, KHOU-TV Houston; former director, National Hurricane Center)
Anyone who has to self-identify as an "expert" should be immediately suspect. Note that the prominent national scientists need no such identification. Their body of scientific achievements speak for them.

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