Thursday, November 9, 2017

For Texans Concerned About the Alamo

Many Texans may not know that there are big plans to change/restore the Alamo.

Here is an article that talks about the money and management. As plans ramp up for a controversial “Reimagined“ Alamo, the fund-raising machinery is controlled by 10 boardroom insiders who are expected to bring cash to the table.

Texas Monitor
What began as a focused effort to repair crumbling sections of the Alamo has morphed into a much larger venture, with much greater financial needs. Outside consultants hired by the boards envision a makeover that deemphasizes the 1836 siege by Mexican troops to, instead, promote “unity, not division.”

Get involved if you care about the history of Texas.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the left wants to change history by pretending that Santa Anna and the Texians supped together? My, my..
