Monday, October 23, 2017

More "Facts" on Green Energy

The following was asserted in the "Climate Change Hero" blog post from yesterday. 
“Now this is the deal, we are paying the same amount per kilowatt hour in year one than we are in year 25 with no cost escalation, so that meets the objective of cost certainty,”
Fact: Electric costs per kilowatt hour increased 4.26% in February, 2017 for Georgetown electric customers. 

Following is the second assertion.
“What reasonable person can’t weigh the evidence and come to the conclusion that climate change is real and it’s happening. When you say, `No, it’s not.’ Really? Well what are you basing that on? You think Irma and Harvey were just coincidences? Really?”
Fact: The climate is changing and has been changing for thousands of years. However, measured temperatures do not support the assertion that recent temperature increases are primarily caused by mankinds use of fossil fuels. Here is actual data compared to the many climate model predictions of temperature rise.Christy and Spencer

It is easily observed that the model predictions are wildly inaccurate, yet, those model predictions are what have been driving the climate catastrophe narrative. The linear temperature trend of the global average lower tropospheric temperature anomalies from January 1979 through September 2017 remains at +0.13 C/decade.

Data trumps over models every time!

There has been no credible criticism that the data used in the above chart is wrong or inaccurate.

There are also credible references that show "climate change" and weather are not currently related. The U.S. went 12 years with out a significant hurricane impacting the mainland. Yet man made climate change advocates continue to assert that climate change causes increased severe weather events with out any proof.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the alarmists have been caught lying, manipulating numbers and intimidating those who question those computer models. Chicken Little has nothing on those guys.
