Friday, June 3, 2016

Wake Up Citizens!!

The citizens of Georgetown, Texas and the United States better wake up to the destruction of our country before it is too late. Our institutions are being transformed away from our traditional values, especially our schools.

Here are some observations from David French, a conservative writer;

"You may not have realized it yet, but the Obama administration just destroyed the traditional American public school. Without an act of Congress, without a ruling from the Supreme Court, and without even going through the motions of the regulatory rule-making process, the administration issued a letter drafting every single public educational institution in the country to implement the extreme edge of the sexual revolution.

The Department of Justice and the Department of Education have declared that they now “interpret” federal law to not only support the fantastical notion that boys can become girls but also to impose new legal requirements that impact every aspect of school life. The administration’s letter sweeps far beyond bathrooms — imposing a new speech code on school employees and even students, opening girls’ showers to boys, requiring schools to allow boys to sleep in girls’ rooms on overnight field trips, requiring boys to room with girls even in single-sex dorms, and putting boys on girls’ sports teams.

Moreover, schools are prohibited from making any inquiry to ensure that the boys using girls’ facilities are, in fact, transgender. They can’t ask for medical documentation. They can’t ask for treatment information. They can’t ask for identification. They have to take the boy at his word.

And yet the administration’s letter isn’t significant just for what it says — it’s significant for what it means. The federal government can and will use extralegal means to override local control, the rule of law, and even the Constitution itself when social justice demands it".

Texas traditionally has had a big impact on school curriculum and textbooks, but, now California is about to approve a left-leaning curriculum for K-12 for history and social sciences that may impact schools nation wide. Here is what Stanley Kurtz has to say about the proposed California curriculum:

"California’s current curriculum is already biased toward modern liberalism, but the new framework takes several giant steps further to the left. On immigration, it is anti-assimilationist; on family and sexuality, it is radically anti-traditionalist; on terrorism, it tends to “blame America first;” on the 1960s, it highlights and implicitly lauds the most radical “black, brown, red, and yellow power movements;” on politics, it paints a halo over progressives while perpetrating a hit job on conservatives; on economics, it elevates Keynesian liberalism and ignores everything else; on military history, it is silent or slyly antagonistic; on contemporary politics, it reads like an anti-globalization protest pamphlet. 

Put the proposed new California history-social science framework together with the College Board’s leftist Advanced Placement history curriculum, and K-12 education in this country could soon be a near-exclusively leftist affair".

Schools in Texas are supposed to be open and transparent to parents and citizens. Go to the Georgetown and Jarrell schools and ask to see the curriculum, teaching plans, textbooks and teaching materials, especially for history and social studies. 

Don't let the schools erase our proud history and teach our children about the glories of socialism!

Attend school board meetings and demand that the schools repudiate the President's directive on boys and girls using the same showers, locker rooms and bathrooms!

This is our country and we have the right and obligation to determine its future through the education of our children.

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