Monday, May 30, 2016

Georgetown and Texas Need To Be Aware of "The Invasion"

Georgetown and all of Texas is being invaded by non-Americans intent on destroying our way of life. They come illegally across our southern border, and our Federal Government is bringing them in through the unauthorized refugee process. There are many so called church sponsored charities that are paid millions of dollars to settle the so called refugees among us.

There are 9 main major refugee resettlement organizations (Volags from “Voluntary Agency”) with approximately 450 affiliated organizations throughout the country; many are run by former refugees. Below are the 9 Volags that operate today:

US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
Lutheran Immigrant Aid Society (LIRS)
International Rescue Committee (IRC)
World Relief Corporation
Immigrant and Refugee Services of America (IRSA)
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
Church World Service (CWS)
Domestic and Foreign Missionary Service of the Episcopal Church of the USA
Ethiopian Community Development Center (ECDC)

Europe is being overrun with immigrants that are sucking the lifeblood out of their economies, destroying their culture and institutions, perpetrating crimes on the citizens and their government is doing nothing to protect them.

The German society and culture is being destroyed before our very eyes. Here is a translated article from a German citizen describing what has happened to her and her country. (50-year-old-german-woman-rages-i-have-lost-all-my-trust-state

"Never, absolutely never did I think that I would lose all my trust in the State. It’s unbearable that I am afraid of the future. Preferably I’d just like to leave. But I feel too old to leave Europe.
What country would even take me anymore? I am not a shameless African that just seats himself in a refugee boat. I would properly apply to the respective immigration authority. But my chances are close to zero. I am – like most Europeans – damned to impotence as I see this invasion happen.
The Euro is a complete nightmare. The illegal immigration is a complete nightmare. But the single largest outrage is the political correctness which disables us from criticizing these immense breaches of law."
Here is a description of what is happening in Amarillo, TX.(Texas & Other Cities)

Texas should withdraw from the refugee program just like Alabama, Alaska, Colorado and Kansas.

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