Saturday, June 27, 2015

Beware the "Californication" of Texas

According to a recent editorial in THE SUN newspaper,"Urbanism Experts" are here in Williamson County planning on developing the Cobb Cavern Ranch into a new Utopia. The ranch property is located a little over a mile north of the intersection of Ronald Reagan Blvd and CR 239, just east of Hwy 195. This property is likely within the Georgetown ETJ and is certainly within the Georgetown water service area since Georgetown took over Chisholm Trail water district. The property is owned by an Austin lawyer/developer and previous Georgetown City Councilman. One can be sure that the property will likely become part of Georgetown at sometime in the future, despite any protestations you may hear.

Utopia will consist of some 3,000 homes, ranging from small (800 SF) to very large homes, squeezed onto 40% of the land. Whoopee!  People of widely varying income levels and interest will be forced into compact living spaces along transportation corridors, a prime objective of the United Nations' Agenda-21 program. The different neighborhoods will be "walkable" -- that is a common Agenda-21 buzz word! The development will be "environmentally friendly" and "economically sustainable" -- both of these are also common Agenda-21 buzz words. But, there was nothing said about where all the jobs and work places would be to make it "economically sustainable".

Georgetown residents BEWARE! This is exactly the kind of thinking that has destroyed California -- the former "Golden State". This kind of development will attract residents who believe in the power of the "collective" and central planning rather than the freedom and independence of the individual.

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