Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Georgetown Electric & Water Boards

The City Council is revising their ability to oversee the electric and water operations.

First, they have proposed to split the electric and water operations apart and create separate oversight boards.

Second, they propose to  expand the responsibility and authority of the boards to include all things financial.

Third, they propose including risk assessment for the electric operations.

The old Georgetown Utility Systems Board discussed the following issues with respect to changing the oversight of the utilities.

Here is the proposed charter for the Water Utility Board.

It is curious that there was no charter presented for the Electric Board. Why not?

Here are the proposed organizational charts for the two boards.

It is clear that two major stakeholders in the utilities have no representation on the boards.

Retail customers, ie homeowner, and commercial/industrial customers are NOT represented on these boards. WHY NOT?

This seems to be a serious flaw in the makeup of these boards. Was it an oversight or was it intentional that there are no members of the using community? Inquiring minds would like to know.

Contact your council person to provide your input before these changes are voted upon in the springtime.

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