Sunday, November 3, 2019

Another View on Development and Road Bonds

The Taylor Press published a story on the proposed Wilco road bonds. Here is additional material that was not published.

Dana Boehm Here is the rest of my Q&A - I knew he couldn't publish it all, but I wanted the media to know that we know the names who are profiting. Here is the rest of the Q&A that was too much to publish: Why are you standing up to this bond?

The Commissioners Court, Cities, Engineers, Consultants and the political alliances have their
own agenda and the citizens’ wants and best interests are in no way part of that agenda.
At every Williamson County open house and Citizen Bond Committee public input, the vast
majority of public input was AGAINST the projects. Aware, informed citizens are against the proposals and their associated destruction and debt.

From attending and speaking at every open house, committee meeting, requesting open records and reaching out to every level of engineers assigned to the corridor projects, I have been left without any consistent answers, often with no answers. We have been dismissed, disrespected, deceived and questions continually deflected at every single encounter by every single representative of the County and taxpayer-funded engineering firms.
If the bond does pass, what do you think will happen next?

The Houstonization of Williamson County, afterall, Houston is what Williamson County engineer Bob Daigh stated was Wilco’s model for their transportation plan (Daigh stated this on August 24, 2017 – the day Houston started evacuations from the flooding of Hurricane Harvey).

What has been built and honored by my family for 129 years, this bond package and the
Southeast corridor will destroy. The corridors are planned for every 5 miles running North and
South with connecting arterial roads every 1 mile, spanning North and South and East and West.

No farm or ranch land will remain, and any fragmented areas will be so flood prone it will be unsafe to house livestock.

How does the bond proposal effect you directly?
My brother and I are the 5 th generation of farmers and ranchers in the Boehm family, with my nephews being the 6 th generation to carry on this stewardship of this treasured Blackland.
Boehm Farms is one of the larger farming operations in Williamson County, with my brother
farming 4000 crop acres. It is a heavily invested, successful business – one that takes decades to
build. We have continuously been treated with disrespect, that unbeknownst to us, we have
surpassed our expiration date; we are taking up the space on the map they are looking at in
some engineering office that some developer covets.

What is the most significant reason you believe people should learn more about the bond
before voting?

The millions spent on the open houses and Citizen Bond Committee meetings were all a
formality to make the appearance they were taking into consideration the needs and wants of
citizens. They did not take into consideration anything the thousands of us said. The corridor
plans were set into motion in 1999 by people who are still very much invested in the realization
of their plans. This is insider trading on every level at the devastating cost of land owners, taxpayers; those on fixed incomes being taxed out of their homes.

How long have you lived in Williamson County?
Born, raised and resided in East Williamson County for all of my 43 years.
What part of Williamson County do you live in?
FM 3349 & FM 1660 (Norman’s Crossing), Taylor
What part of the bond proposal effects the area where you live?

Williamson County debt affects every resident, regardless of homeowner, large landowner, landlord, or renter. You will feel the impact of tax rate increases and increased appraisal values for years to come.

The Southeast Corridor/Loop will displace many lifelong family friends’ homes and businesses, active servicemen and veterans – only to make key access points for developers and corporations. We all lose what we have planned and sacrificed to build all for outsiders to gain.

Why do you believe the bond has been presented the way that it has?
To deceive the voters plain and simple. The promoters of these bonds have an agenda that in no way is looking out for residents.
If the bond does NOT pass, what do you think will happen next?

The corridor projects have been 2 decades in the making – decades before us loyal land owners were given even a glimpse of plans for our community and futures, despite our regular efforts for over 10 years and were told there were absolutely no plans for our area.

The Commissioners Court, City of Hutto and City of Taylor have made too many private and questionable agreements with developers and especially the McAlister Group. The Rail Station cannot be realized without insiders who have promised the Southeast Corridor and overpass will be constructed. I feel the McAlister Group will pull out of their agreement due to lack of infrastructure.

However, there are so many politically connected who purchased land within the last 20 years, who had insider information knowing where the corridors routes would be, that they will push for other means of funding. In 2018, Williamson County only applied for CAMPO funding for the Southeast Corridor, making it clearly their priority project. I feel they will reapply for CAMPO funding once CAMPO puts out another funding call.

And us citizens will not grow complacent – we will continue to fight for our land; for our neighbors and the rights of citizens on a fixed income to live without fear of being taxed out of their homes.

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