Friday, August 23, 2019

Look at Georgetown's Budget Grow!

City officials like to tell the citizens how prudent and conservative they are when it comes to spending taxpayer dollars. The data shows a different story!

Click chart to enlarge - CAGR = compound annual growth rate

These budget numbers were taken from the annual budgets published on the City's website. These are total budget numbers that consist of the ongoing operational elements plus the capital expenditures. The population numbers come from the City's Planning Department.

City officials always justify the budget growth on the basis that the population is growing. Everyone can look around town and see that the city is growing as evidenced by all the new houses and businesses. What officials never tell you is that the budget has been growing consistently at more than triple the rate of the population.

The data shows over the past 5 years that the population growth rate has been 4.27% annually, while the total budget has grown at 13.62% annually.

It is time to ask our elected representatives why they keep approving budgets that grow 3 times faster than the population!

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