Friday, December 28, 2018

Disinformation by Texas Cities Continue

Cities in Texas continue to try and maintain their unfettered ability to raise property taxes by employing lobbyists and employing disinformation in the public media. Here is the latest effort from Temple News. 
City Manager Brynn Myers outlined several items, including the possibility of legislation that would place revenue caps on cities.
“The first (priority) is to oppose caps on local revenue. We’ve seen this in every session since I’ve been in local government, and probably long before that,” Myers said. “There has always been some kind of bill filed that would restrict or cap revenues for cities. Last session, there was pretty active legislation that was filed.”
Of course it is a complete fabrication that proposed legislation by the Governor would "cap revenue". The proposals simply require local officials to get voter approval to raise taxes above a certain level, such as 2.5%.

This is the kind of disinformation campaign that Georgetown's lobbyists, Council and staff will use to try and keep local citizens from voting on tax increases above a given threshold.

Its time the control for tax increases is placed in the hands of the voters.

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