Monday, September 3, 2018

High Utility Bills?

Did you know that Georgetown owns the utility systems here in town? Georgetown City Council requires that these utility companies and other entities make a profit over and above the cost to deliver the service to residents. Here is the chart presented in the budget workshop in August, 2018.

The City expects the utilities and others to generate $9.0M in profit in 2019 which will be shifted to the City's General Fund to be spent on whatever the Council desires.

This is a stealth tax! The average taxpayer/ratepayer does not realize they are paying more for the services than it costs to provide them. Excess money is taken from the ratepayer by the City, just like a direct tax, only it is hidden behind terms like "Return on Investment"(ROI). 

If you don't think the City should be a profit making organization, let your council members know! Tell them to cut your utility rates so that revenue equals cost and you get to decide where to spend more of your money.


  1. This sounds like a giant rip-off to the fine citizens of Georgetown. I am seriously thinking that there should be an enmasse showing at the next city council meeting.

  2. And another hidden tax is that they charge the schools double the residential rate which is passed on to us all as higher school property tax.
