Whatever the reason, our city government seems to be regularly over-welcoming businesses, offering economic incentives so they’ll come. The panicky sounding excuse is, “If we don’t accommodate them they’ll go somewhere else.”
Well, maybe it would be a good idea if they did. It seems that a lot of people are complaining about too much growth. With that in mind, why would the city council not only welcome more industry, but actually give them perks to come here? Someone must be benefiting, but it’s not the average Joe.
Even if the economic pitch doesn’t assuage anyone, there’s always the old growth-is-inevitable argument. “You can’t stop people from coming,” those in power say with helpless resignation. And I might agree. But we don’t have to offer them economic bonuses so they will. That really negates the gee-we-just-can’t-keep-them away argument.What's the solution? The author suggests that citizens get out and vote at every opportunity. Vote for those candidates that are concerned about growth, water availability, local public safety, and local traffic.
Sounds like good advice!