Thursday, January 5, 2017

Does Georgetown Suffer from Ambulance Waste?

Ambulance waste occurs when the ambulance is dispatched to transport a person that is not truly in an emergency situation. That potentially makes the ambulance unavailable for a true emergency. We have anecdotal evidence that sometimes there is an extended wait for an ambulance here in Georgetown because the closest one is not available. In fact that is the very reason that Councilman Fought gave to support establishing the Georgetown Emergency Medical Service. When his wife needed an ambulance, the closest one was not available and it took about 23 minutes for the next closest ambulance to arrive.

An emergency room physician examines the problem: Ambulance Waste
For an extended description of the problem of ambulance waste and potential solutions, read the article at the link.

It seems a first step is for Georgetown EMS to track those transports that are life saving emergencies versus the non-life threatening events. Only then can it be determined if this is an issue in Georgetown.

1 comment:

  1. This is a problem everywhere., especially in the big cities. Those without insurance use the ambulance as a cab to go to the ER for their colds and things.
    I have seen a couple of expose's on this in the past several years. No one knows the solution. It is that dependent attitude that is being taught in the schools.
