The city council hired an expert interpersonal guru last fall to help them work together and to develop a set of goals and strategies for the city. Here is the result:
Council Goals
• Georgetown is a truly diverse, vibrant, inclusive, and
socially dynamic city where everyone has the
opportunity to participate in, and benefit from, our
economic, political, and social activities
• Our outstanding and innovative City Employees work
diligently to bring the Vision of Council to life and
deliver exceptional services to our customers while
exemplifying our Core Values
Internal Process
• Our policies and procedures are easy to understand,
and consistently and professionally applied. Our
internal processes are effective, efficient, fair,
inventive, and transparent, and make us a desired
destination for residents and businesses
• Anyone interacting with the City will have such a
positive experience that they will tell everyone about it
• To maintain a fiscal environment conducive to
attaining the goals of the City
Blogger Comments: The goals seems to be a mixture of description of the current status and a statement of the desired goal or end state. Very confusing. It is also disappointing that there are no measurable financial goals established. For example: Annual budget growth shall not exceed population growth plus inflation.
Council Strategies
• Council developed 14 strategies in November 2015 – 9
tier-1 strategies – 5 tier-2 strategies
• 14 teams developed “tactics” to achieve each strategy –
Cross functional groups – 5-7 team members
• Tactics presented in priority order by strategy –
“Sub-tactics” identified in packet
• Communications and Branding – Identity – Education and Outreach
– Cross-functional promotion and coordination teams – Consistency – Special
event promotion
• Cost Analysis – Understand baseline O&M (e.g.
Transportation) – Understand impact of decisions (e.g. land use, large capital
investments) – Key capital asset replacement strategies
• Employees – Training – Professional Development –
Strategy 1.1: Attract, Hire, Develop and Retain the Best
People, and Compensate Them for the Value they Create
• Establish and Consistently Administer a Competitive
Compensation Program Based on Performance Results
• Guide and Define Workplace Culture
• Implement the Newly Created Employee Training and
Development Program
• Consistently Communicate the Current Compensation and
Benefits Plan To Employees
Strategy 1.2: Create a Customer Service Mindset
• Develop and Implement a Customer Satisfaction Program
• Create More Opportunities for Local Businesses to Do
Business with the City
• Provide Educational & Outreach Programs on City
Department Functions & Activities
• Evaluate Creation of City-wide Customer Service Center
Strategy 1.3: Implement the Special Event and Destination
• Create a Comprehensive Special Events Strategy
• Maintain and Promote Calendar of Special Events
• Simplify Special Event Application
• Cross-functional Promotion and Communication of City
• Activate Area Beyond Direct Square
• Explore Feasibility of a Special Event Coordinator
Strategy 1.4: Build and Maintain Entertainment
• Build and Program City-owned Venues – Garey Park – San
Gabriel Park – Downtown West
• Citywide Space Inventory and Needs Assessment
• Cross-Functional Team to Review and Promote City Events
• Activate Spaces – Natural gathering spaces – Green space in
dense areas – Sunday activities
Strategy 1.5: Expand and Diversify the Tax Base (Increase
Commercial Percentage)
• Create and Maintain a Positive Relationship with the
Business Community Through a Business Retention Program
• Conduct Studies to Develop Meaningful Data to Drive the
City’s E.D. Program
• Develop a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategic
• Develop a Process to Understand the Fiscal Impact and
Trade-offs of Land Use Decisions
• Update the City‘s Comprehensive Plan and Capital
Improvement Plans to Align Resources and Preserve Opportunities for Retail and
Employment Growth
Strategy 1.6: Accumulate Funds to Account for Unfunded and
Unanticipated Liabilities
• Ensure Financial and Budgetary Policy Addresses
• Update Quarterly Financial Report to Include a List of
City-Wide Liabilities, and an Update on the Balance in the Council
Discretionary Fund
• Incorporate O&M Costs in Planning of Capital Projects
• Implement a Policy and Phase-In Approach for an Economic
Uncertainty Fund to Address Short-term Revenue Declines
• Develop a Comprehensive Facilities Master Plan and
Funding Strategy for Key Facility Replacements
Strategy 1.7: Create a Strategy to Increase Mobility
• Complete Review and Propose Amendments for the Unified
Development Code (UDC Chapter 12: Pedestrian and Vehicle Circulation) Related
to Development Standards to Ensure They are Designed to Improve Mobility
Efforts Within and Between New Developments
• Continue to Develop and Implement Existing Transportation
Plans Develop and Implement New and Updated Plans
• Conduct a Feasibility Study of a Control Center for
Traffic Operations and Signal Coordination
• Continue to Adequately Fund Existing Transportation
• Continue to Address Maintenance of Existing
Strategy 1.8: Attain and Maintain Superior Public Safety
and Enhance the Perception of Safety
• Fire Department Attain Center for Public Safety
Excellence (CPSE) Accreditation AND Police Department Attain Texas Police
Chiefs Association (TPCA) Recognition
• Achieve and Consistently be One of the Top-tier Public
Safety Agencies to Work for within Central Texas.
Strategy 1.9: Attract Younger Workers/Young Professionals
to the Community
• Tailor Branding and Communications Towards Young
• Improve Social Environment for Young Professionals
Strategy 2.1: Improve Communications and Advertising
• Gain clarity on the City organization’s branding strategy
• Work to Create Consistency in Messages and Themes for
Communications and Marketing Across the City.
• Assess Department Resources and Make Needed Adjustments
to Ensure Capacity to Generate and Sustain Communications and Marketing Content
Across Multiple Platforms.
• Assess and Enhance Existing City-wide Logo, Design,
Graphics, and Presentation Guidelines.
Strategy 2.2: Create and Maintain Outstanding Aesthetics,
and a Welcoming Appearance and Spirit
• Identify, Review, and Enhance Development Standards
Related to Beautification
• Clarify and Understand Costs Associated with
Beautification and Secure Funding (including appropriations, grants,
volunteers, etc.)
• Continue and Increase Stewardship of all Public
Rights-of-way (Including TxDOT) • Enhance Community Branding at Key Points
Within the City
Strategy 2.3: Create an Asset Maintenance and
Revitalization Plan
• Develop a Uniform Asset Management and Work Order Process
• Develop Baseline Annual Costs to Operate and Maintain
(Annual Budget)
• Define Impact of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) when
Capital Additions and Replacements are Approved/Added
• Clarify Capital Retirement/Replacement Strategy
Strategy 2.4: Create a Comprehensive Annexation Strategy
[Formerly Donut Hole Strategy]
• Create a Broad-Based Annexation Plan with Alignment to
the 2030 Plan
• Effectively Communicate Planning Efforts and Outcomes
Strategy 2.5: Monitor, Promote, and Communicate a Long-term
Water and Utilities Plan and Strategy
• Implement and Monitor the Integrated Resource Plan
(Long-term Water and Energy Plans)
• Develop and Execute a Communication and Marketing
Strategy for Customers Relating to the Resource Plan
Blogger Comments: Again it is disappointing that there is no strategy to limit the growth of city government. It is well accepted that excessive regulation curbs business growth. There is no strategy to limit regulations and requirements to those that meet public health and safety needs and reduce or eliminate all others.