Friday, October 9, 2015

Does the City Listen to Its Citizens?

Just returned from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board and the Governing Body which held a Public Hearing for a new fuel farm at the airport.  Is the City leadership out of touch with its citizens?  Whenever citizens attend City Council meetings or any of the City established advisory boards meetings, there is usually an opportunity for citizens to speak on any items that are on the agenda.  Unfortunately, there is never any real-time feedback to the citizens who have taken the time to attend the meeting and to constructively provide input to the Council or Board.  This lack of dialog leaves the citizens feeling extremely frustrated and suspicious that there are “hidden agendas” and non-public deals being negotiated and implemented to benefit specific individuals, companies or industries.  Only an open and transparent dialog between those who govern and the citizens can inspire trust between the citizens and their government.

The Council makes many excuses for not engaging in public dialog with Georgetown’s citizens ranging from, “it just a few of the same old people” to it is “the same old issues”.  There are “smart” people in the community with ideas on how the Council and Boards can constructively engage with the citizens in a public, on-the-record meeting.  Let us hear the ideas and give them to your City Council representatives.

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