Thursday, April 23, 2015

Open Letter to Georgetown Mayor and City Council

I see that the agenda for Tuesdays City Council meeting contains a proposed resolution in "support of National action on the misuse of antibiotics"  This item has appeared on the agenda previously and was not acted upon, rightly so in my opinion.

I believe the Council should focus on those activities and actions that directly affect the health and safety of Georgetown's citizens and abstain from taking positions on National issues over which the Council has no direct responsibility.  This is an attempt of a special interest group to use the City of Georgetown to influence state and national legislators to pass legislation or regulations favorable to their cause.  This is a misuse of Georgetown's influence to cause legislation to be enacted that is likely not in the best interest of the citizens of Georgetown.

I recommend you take a pass on this resolution, but, if you think resolutions like this are an important component of the Council's duties, I probably have about 1,000 that I'll gladly bring forward ranging from "Audit the Federal Reserve" to "Return all the Federal lands to the states".

Terry Putnam

1 comment:

  1. I agree. This council must be taking lessons from the Austin City Council. They have now imposed a 500 dollar fine on one who feeds a wild animal in the city. Sounds like a very progressive idea to me.
