Sunday, December 28, 2014

To Letters to the Editor Wilco Sun

You state in your editorial column of December 24, 2014 that "We are paying $50,000 a year for membership in the Lone Star Rail District, which is good value for, at the very least, a three-year environmental impact study." Looking at this pragmatically, it does not seem to be "good value". Consider that the proposed rail line and station will use less than 600 acres of land, which has no streams or wetlands, within the city limits. That is less than one square mile! Our four year membership in Lone Star Rail will cost $200,000. I would suggest that one could contract for an environmental study of 600 acres for far less.

In addition, Lone Star rail is an economic disaster for the citizens of Georgetown and central Texas . From publicly available government documents, it can be seen that the state and municipalities of Texas are spending about $12,000 per mass transit commuter per year and about $642 per private vehicle commuter per year. This kind of economic insanity needs to be stopped now!