Friday, February 15, 2019

Growth of Electricity Use in Georgetown

The growth rate of electricity use in Georgetown has been very consistent over the last 10 years. Here is the data:

Click to enlarge

The compound annual growth in electricity use over the last 10 years is 3.08%.

At that growth rate, it will take 13 years to grow into the supply that the City has under long-term contract. That means the City and thus rate-payers will be bleeding $ for a long time.

This is a wealth transfer scheme that extracts $s from the rate-payers of Georgetown to the bond holders of Clearway Energy being paid 9% interest.

Remember the long-term population growth rate for Georgetown:

Click to enlarge

Isn't it amazing that the growth in electricity use and the population are just about the same.

There is much data that the City could use to project the needs of the City into the future.

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