Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Stand Against Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

When Castle Rock, CO recently refused to apply for a HUD grant, the recipients of the money were upset. But, Castle Rock had done their homework. Their response to the grantees should be read by every public official who ever considers accepting a federal grant.

Relevant excerpts from the letter that Castle Rock sent to recipients of HUD money follows:

“If we continue to accept the HUD grants, we will be forced to prepare detailed taxpayer-financed studies of our schools, retail, housing, and other community aspects to HUD who will decide if our neighborhoods are “furthering fair housing.” That means that even though our town has never been found in violation of the anti-discrimination housing rules that have been law for over 50 years, HUD on a whim could force us to build low-income, government subsidized housing into our neighborhoods if HUD decides we aren’t racially balanced enough.”

“As a Town Council, we will resist all federal attempt to destroy our local sovereignty, be it from HUD, the EPA, or any other government agency. Council will always defend our resident’s right to make their own local decisions without federal interference. While I appreciate the many good works that are represented by your (the grant applicants’) programs, accepting onerous federal grant requirements, which harm our community, cannot be the price to pay for federal monies.”

One example: according to HUD, if your family home sits on a quarter-acre property, your neighborhood is potentially discriminatory. It would be much less racist if a high-rise low-income apartment building went up next door, never mind local zoning regulations.

More local governments are waking up to the threat that the Federal Government and HUD in particular pose to our local sovereignty. 

Georgetown residents must be vigilant and focused on keeping the City out of these grants. Do not be distracted by emotional pleas for "affordable housing" and do not allow yourself to be sidetracked by less important issues.

Stay informed and let your council members know your position and that we must maintain our local sovereignty.

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